
Announcement for TOEFL JUNIOR TEST result

Dear my fellow teachers,

First, please accept my apology for the late announcement due to some workload down here at school.

Finally the result of your TOEFL JUNIOR TEST is in my hand. Should you want to take it, please call me (NO SMS PLEASE) at 081 64893186 as I might be able to distribute all to your school.

I would also like to give you your SPPD when it was left after the seminar.

If you want to contact me, use the number above or email me at isna_shobirin@yahoo.com

Thanks and sorry for this inconveniences



Greece Day Two

Today, we're supposed to have the first program of the agenda.

As usual, I went down to the hotel restaurant and as always, I headed to the table in the corner of the resto which served: Mushrooms, omelet, and potatoes. Why I chose that? It's because those things I could eat. The rest? mmmm nope.

Then I moved to another table for the sweet rice pudding and cocktail. All set and breakfast began. To let you know, this menu is my daily menu for the rest of my stay at Amalia Hotel.

Then, all of us walked to HAU for the program until we finished at 6.00pm. Why did it take too long? It's because we had too long breaks. Never mind, though. Some of us had planned to have dinner at Stephanie's fave restaurant called "Meatropoles 3". We all agreed to be at the lobby at 7.30 pm.

And dinner time came. Will has already waited at the hotel lobby. He looked so tired and hungry. So we waited the rest of the group to come down. Once all complete, we headed down Meatropoles.

We ordered my kinds of menu. Stephanie and Miroslava ordered "Seasonal Greens" (which looks yummy). Unfortunately, the test was not in my tongue, and not to theirs.

Overall, the dinner was great. We chatted and shared our cultures. Feeling full, we went back to the hotel and before we went to our room, we moved up to the 7th floor. This is the best spot at Amalia Hotel. I cannot tell why, but surely is the most unforgettable place for the group.

Acropolis from the 7th floor

Then, today's adventure was over.